i felt like do not want to put on the car safety belt..
After reversed my car from my house..
I felt uncomfortable that I'm not putting on it..
Hah.. I felt so surprise that I have that kind of feelings..
Yeah.. I think i'm used to put it on..and yet feel uneasy that my chest have nothing to 'tight' on..
So, friends.. What is the purpose u put on your safety belt when you in the car?
Scare of police? Ya, i think lots people think like that.. me too at the first..
But now, I put it on not because of the compound.. but it is because of my own security and safety..
Hence, just try to adapt yourself with that 'tightening' feelings..
And sooner.. you will put it on automatically although you know there won't be any police..
Lastly, for your information.. The car is the second (40%) most common mode of transportation in Malaysia. In terms of fatal road accidents, car drivers constitute about 9.0% and passengers 13.6% of fatalities. The major cause of car occupants’ fatality in such accidents is head injuries, which consist of more than half (56.4%) of the fatalities. Thus restraining the head and body, the initial position is the most important injury control strategy for car users. The use of seat belts was deemed one of the most effective ways to reduce road accident fatalities in Malaysia and consequently the mandatory seat belt law was enforced in the early seventies.
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